The eight limbs of Muay Thai
Holiday Gym
The requirements
Following the indications of those responsible for communication and marketing of Holiday Gym, the objective of this promotional video focuses on the dissemination of this well-known chain of gyms, mainly through social media networks.
To do so, it did not seem a perfect catch the practice of Muay Thai, also known as Thai boxing, which currently enjoys enormous popularity, and allows to obtain sequences of great dynamism.
Our approach
In sports-themed projects, with their usually fast and unexpected movements, it is crucial to plan very well what photographic parameters we are going to use during the recording.
To begin with, and as is well known, a high shutter speed is required when shooting fast-moving action shots.
In good light this is quite easy to achieve. The biggest problems, however, come indoors, where the lighting conditions are usually not so ideal.
In these latter cases we will then have to increase the sensitivity by increasing the ISO at which we are recording the images. Here the dilemma arises as to how far we can go without significant grain beginning to appear in the footage.
Another aspect that we always consider in this type of recording is the point of view from which the story will be told. Thus, placing the camera at ground level, counterpointing it, allows a new approach that gives an epic aspect to the athletes and their actions.
Likewise, using different recording heights while looking for unique motifs facilitates a more dynamic editing that better conveys the essence of the sport in question.
The result
We added to our already extensive "sportive" experience, this dynamic audiovisual, where we had to work hard with our old and good friends: light and space, while trying to anticipate at all times to the dizzying movements of the Muay Thai practitioners.