

The requirements

GRB asked us to develop an interactive to support their commercial communication actions when explaining the operation of a thermostatic tap to both distributors and the public in general.

Our approach

Atendiendo a las especificaciones del cliente, nuestro enfoque para este proyecto se centraba en presentar ante el usuario una grifería perfectamente funcional, con la que se pudiese interactuar de manera análoga a como lo haría ante un grifo real, actuando sobre las respectivas manetas para controlar tanto caudal como temperatura del agua.

According to the client's specifications, we intended to present to the user a perfectly functional tap, with which he could interact in a similar way as he would with a real tap, acting on the respective handles to control both the flow and temperature of the water.

Going one step further, we chose to give the user total freedom in their interaction with the virtual tap, which involved the implementation of a mathematical model for the operation of the thermostatic cartridge, in order to give a correct response to any position of the handles.

In order to allow the user to see more clearly the advantages of a thermostatic tap compared to a traditional one, we introduced a single-lever tap, proceeding here also to the mathematical modelling of the behaviour of the mixing cartridge.

Tablet running simulator app of single-lever and thermostatic mixing cartridges

Although we had considered the need to have the interactive in the form of an native application for mobile devices (Android and iOS), exceeding customer expectations we proposed instead the implementation through a hybrid application, thanks to which this same software could be carried out, without hardly any modifications, to the web.

With this approach in mind, we carry out the software development through standard web technologies (HTML, CSS and JavaScript), making use also of the jQuery-Mobile open source framework, as well as the BabylonJS, 3D engine on WebGL.

Smartphone running simulator app of single-lever and thermostatic mixing cartridges
Computer running simulator app of single-lever and thermostatic mixing cartridges

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